(unnamed)'s family tree


Big Boy, a indigo and mint chicken with a speckle pattern
Big Boy
3 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
dragonfruit jr, a fuchsia and leaf chicken with a speckle pattern
dragonfruit jr
2 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
Bouquet, a lemon and plum chicken with a speckle pattern
2 months • ZW A green-grey seed


Ryder, a tumblr and sapphire chicken with a speckle pattern
2 months • ZW
(unnamed), a sable and sea chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZZ



Blackberry Gobbler, a black and overcast chicken with a speckle pattern
Blackberry Gobbler
2 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
Dank Ocean, a tumblr and cerulean chicken with a lace pattern
Dank Ocean
2 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Olue Jr, a ultramarine and sapphire chicken with a head pattern
Olue Jr
2 months • ZW
(unnamed), a sapphire and sky chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
2 months • ZW
Juice, a tumblr and sky chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
gold leaf, a tumblr and orange chicken with a lace pattern
gold leaf
1 month • ZW
jinx, a turquoise and aqua chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
(unnamed), a sea and orange chicken with a head pattern
1 month • ZZ
(unnamed), a fuchsia and cerulean chicken with a speckle pattern
2 weeks • ZZ

Piblings (parents' siblings)


Bernkastel, a black and ultramarine chicken with a half-lace pattern
2 months • ZW A green-grey seed A pink camera
Sea Sandwich, a sky and honey chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
Sea Sandwich
2 months • ZW
jelly bean, a wine and sky chicken with a speckle pattern
jelly bean
2 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Rave, a black and orchid chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
2 months • ZW
Riverbank, a silver and navy chicken with a half-lace pattern
2 months • ZZ A green-grey seed A pink camera
Bonedust, a silver and black chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
2 months • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
Mazea, a lilac and lavender chicken with a double-lace pattern
2 months • ZZ
Major, a silver and russet chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
2 months • ZW A green-grey seed A pink camera
くじ引き, a indigo and chartreuse chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
2 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Barbie, a fuchsia and rose chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
2 months • ZW A pink camera
Little Men, a orchid and wine chicken with a double-lace pattern
Little Men
2 months • ZZ
Percy, a lavender and mist chicken with a double-lace pattern
2 months • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside A pink camera
Old Yellow, a violet and pink chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
Old Yellow
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Mangrove, a wine and spring chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Baja, a silver and mint chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZZ
Bossa Pozza, a overcast and tumblr chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
Bossa Pozza
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
Gem, a amethyst and mist chicken with a head pattern
1 month • ZZ
Alatea, a pink and grass chicken with a head pattern
1 month • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
Warden, a tumblr and sea chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Argalia, a mist and silver chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
1 month • ZZ
Grissom, a ash and gluppy chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZZ
Dawn, a black and sable chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Mint, a pink and turquoise chicken with a head pattern
1 month • ZW
Bevac, a silver and red chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZZ
Blorb, a navy and red chicken with a head pattern
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
Disco ball, a plum and indigo chicken with a half-lace pattern
Disco ball
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
fine wine, a wine chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
fine wine
1 month • ZW
Thing 1, a indigo and amethyst chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
Thing 1
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
OH LWM, a ultramarine and sapphire chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
fib, a wine and silver chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
AY132, a sapphire chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
Sultana Bran, a plum and russet chicken with a head pattern
Sultana Bran
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
Miki, a mist and sable chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
AY131, a sapphire and tumblr chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZW
AY1025, a sapphire and tumblr chicken
3 weeks • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
AY1722, a sapphire chicken
3 weeks • ZZ
Binomi, a overcast and fuchsia chicken with a head pattern
3 weeks • ZZ
AY955, a sapphire and navy chicken with a half-lace pattern
3 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed
AY73, a ultramarine and tumblr chicken with a half-lace pattern
2 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed
AY42, a sapphire and ultramarine chicken with a lace pattern
2 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed
wax, a wine and sky chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 week • ZW
AY1694, a sapphire chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 week • ZZ A green-grey seed A pink camera
House, a sable and plum chicken with a lace pattern
1 week • ZW
smile, a rose chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
1 week • ZW The transgender flag, a flag with blue, pink, and white stripes
(unnamed), a sable and overcast chicken with a lace pattern
1 week • ZW A green-grey seed
Capella, a sable and wine chicken with a lace pattern
5 days • ZW


Marion, a plum and silver chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
2 months • ZW
dashcon USA, a tumblr and navy chicken with a lace pattern
dashcon USA
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Dragon Tales, a sapphire and wine chicken with a double-lace pattern
Dragon Tales
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
wolfsbane, a tumblr and orange chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZW
scallop, a tumblr and orange chicken with a double-lace pattern
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
Tomopteris, a tumblr and honey chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
EDM, a tumblr and ochre chicken with a lace pattern
4 weeks • ZZ
ponder algae, a turquoise and viridian chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
ponder algae
3 weeks • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
Dipper, a grass and mint chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
2 weeks • ZW
hes ill, a chartreuse and spring chicken with a speckle pattern
hes ill
6 days • ZZ