3:20:10 pm
3:20:10 pm
You can run heists thrice a day. Create a team of three chickens to steal between 1 and 200 eggs from Mum, the shopkeeper. The riskiness of the heist scales with the number of eggs (+1 Risk for every 5 eggs, with the minimum risk being 11 for 1–5 eggs).
The heist team has three roles, each filled by a different chicken:
All 3 chickens roll independently against their own calculated Risk level, where the chance of success is 10 ÷ Risk. All 3 chickens must succeed for the heist to succeed. Risk levels are always clamped between 11 and 50, so there is always a chance of failure even on the easiest heists—a 5-egg heist with a fresh team will have a 75% chance of success.
The thief has a 50% chance to earn 1 Sneaky Beak Point (SBP) for each heist they participate in, regardless of whether it succeeds or fail. Every heist chicken gets a -1 Risk offset for every 10 SBP they have, regardless of which role they play. Chickens can have up to 250 SBP, and will not gain more above that.
If you succeed, you will steal a random number of eggs in the range between (target eggs) - 10 and (target eggs) + 10 inclusive (but always more than 0).
Each time you fail a heist in a day, all shop items will be marked up by 3.0%. This markup resets at server rollover.