Suggestions and bug reports

Suggestions and bug reports can be submitted through a ticket or in their respective forums (suggestions, bugs). I check both channels regularly and read all posts (while it is feasible—this may change), though I may not respond to everything.

Bug reports

I try to address bug reports as soon as possible. To help me sort through reports in the forum, please check if someone else has reported a bug before creating a new thread, and reply to/bump that thread instead if so. Also check the Known issues page to see if any old/long-standing bugs are already there.

I triage bug reports with the following system:

  1. (Same day) Totally breaks a core game feature, or involves lost items/currency
  2. (Same day) Breaks a non-essential feature that deprives user of some reward or resource
  3. (Within 3 days) Breaks UI/display
  4. (When time is available) Issue that has workarounds/where the feature can broadly still be used

I will almost always address bugs from top to bottom. If it's type 3 or 4, it may not be fixed on the same day. Thanks for your patience!

Bug report template

  • Operating system and browser:
  • Where it happened: A link to the thing that isn't working
  • Steps to produce the error: What actions you performed and what went wrong. This will help me reproduce it, which is always step 1 of fixing it
  • Other requests: (e.g. if you would like a refund on lost items or the effects of the action reverted)


I receive more suggestions than I could ever possibly fulfill, so for transparency, I triage/prioritise them based on:

  1. How quick they will be to implement vs the benefit they will bring
  2. How many people want them
  3. How much they line up with my vision for the game
  4. Whether we've had too many changes on that feature recently
  5. Whether I already have similar plans lined up (I will usually do my version of the concept and add any aspects of the suggestion that I like)

Note that I do have my own plans on top of these suggestions, and my plans take priority. There's also a release cycle in which new objects (items, map areas, and genes) are only released once a week (at most)! This will help me maintain a buffer.

Should you report in a ticket or a forum thread?

I check both the bug reports forum and the ticket inbox regularly, so it is up to your personal preference as to whether you want the details public or private. Threads are also good for if you want to find out if others are experiencing the same issue as you, or make others aware of it.