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You wake up one day…and discover that there are two chickens living in your home. How did this happen? No one knows. All you know is that a whole new world has just opened up to you…
ChickenPet is a minimalistic chicken petsite and breeding game. Collect chickens. Breed more chickens. Explore the world and meet other chickens. Live your dreams of collecting every chicken under the sun.
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ChickenPet has a detailed gene system based on real-world genetics. Chickens inherit colours and features that are a mix of their parents'. Sometimes, brand-new recessive traits will emerge in a couple's offspring!
Send your chicken on an eggspedition across the world. Collect rewards and encounter other users' chickens on the way. Cross mountains, visit villages, and save your steps by walking next to others.
Feature is still being developed and in need of stress testing.
You can change your chicken's sex. Their gender can be whatever you want. The game de-emphasises the link between chromosomes and gender on purpose. Intersex chickens can also hatch at random!
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