A chicken with their wing feathers forming a V under their chin, as if in thought Info pages


About ChickenPet
Background information about the game.
Terms of Service
By playing ChickenPet, you accept these terms of service.
Financial reports
Half-yearly expense and revenue reports for ChickenPet.
Site design ethos
Quick outline of the developer's design vision for this game.
HTML customisation guide
A cheatsheet for all custom styling classes, for HTML customisation.
ChickenPet's supported charities
Information about the two charities that we donate a small portion of our revenue to.

Bugs and site help

Discord beta testing server
A space for coordinating beta tests and bug reports!
Toyhouse world
The official Toyhouse world for ChickenPet! (Links to an external site)
Dev tracker
Planned and proposed updates are posted here, where you can vote on them.
Submit a ticket
Need to report a bug or raise concerns? You can do that through the ticket form.
Suggestions and bug reports
Information about submitting site suggestions and bug reports, what order they're attended to, and submission templates.
Known issues and declined suggestions
A list of known issues/bugs on the website and a list of suggestions that are not likely to be implemented.
Site HTML and CSS classes
A detailed outline of the site's custom CSS classes to help with formatting HTML.

Chicky Wiki

Find out about breeding eligibility here.
Detailed information about chicken Feature genes and inheritance.
Detailed information about chicken Colour genes and the reference colour wheel.
Eggs, seed and chickets
Information about currency in this game.
A basic rundown of how the economy (that is, the shopkeeper's balance) works in this game.
Splicers, filters and accessories
Read more about shop items and how they work.
Information about achievements with some small hints.
About how to earn, select, and customise username flair badges.
Game time and chicken age
About time-based mechanics, including chicken ageing and resource refresh rates.
Detailed info about the Eggspedition game's mechanics.
Detailed info about the Heist minigame.