1:14:32 pm
1:14:32 pm
Lumière wth an accent. (Greyscales the chicken, but keeps accessory colours.)
This was suggested by users! This filter is unsortable because it is applied underneath accessories.
Who needs a nightlight? (Adds glow behind the chicken.)
This filter is sortable; glow colour is affected by colour-changing filters placed before it. Only stacks up to 3.
This is old news by now, but for those who missed it: You can now buy 7 expansions, taking you to a maximum of 240 chickens. Also note that expansion prices now plateau at 3500 , so all expansions from the 5th will cost that much. Happy hatching
Introducing Bar offspring recessive patterns, Half-bar and Neck-band!
Preview in Chickrew | Buy splicers at the Eggschange | Inheritance rules
And happy (early) Lunar New Year to those who celebrate 🎊
Just letting y'all know a short while ahead just in case this impacts breeding plans:
I appreciate you discussing the ongoing issues in a public forum, as the private moderation load for this issue has been very heavy. To clarify, the site will not take any direct action relating to the matter of chicken flipping or associated actions for managing one's buy/sale experience - do not send tickets relating to it, unless other existing rules have been broken. You are welcome to create resources for the site's general use relating to this.
However, there will be some UI and link changes in response to some of the thoughts shared in the thread.
The thread will remain available but will be made read-only 48 hours from creation, as I feel it has mostly run its course.
Hi all, many have come forward with concerns about both chickens getting released immediately after purchase for a small profit ("flipping") and the blocking of people who do it. I think that there needs to be a conversation, so I have set up a forum thread to support a constructive conversation about it. Principles I go by:
I would also like to apologise if the wording sounded targeted/coercive and have been revising the message as thoughts have come in. The truth is that I do have an opinion on this - as in there's one way that I prefer the site to be - and incorporating other people's ways of playing in how I administrate the site has been an evolving process as well! I think this site is past the point where I can simply decide for other people what I want it to be, it's too big and socially complex. I am currently too busy with the rest of my life to actively keep tabs on it so I would just like people to be kind to each other and remember we're all just humans who do things differently, and that is the best we can do 🙂
Try them in the Dressing Room | Buy them at the Eggschange
As a side note, I will be on extended break while I work on my PhD final seminar, most likely until the end of March. This doesn't necessarily mean no updates, just that updates + debugging will have a longer lead time!
Happy new year from ChickenPet!
Reminder: time is up for the Secret Santa! If you have not received your gift yet, please ping me in #site-discussion on the Discord server or message me on https://chicken.pet/messages/create/circlejourney so that I can check who your sender was and prod them to send their gift / send you the 50 egg compensation if relevant.
In other recent news:
The shopkeeper's bank surpassed 1 million eggs on Christmas day. That's right—at the time of writing, she possesses 77.5% of the total currency eggs on the site.
Word has gotten out about the obscene wealth hiding in her coffers. Some chickens are eager to nick a few (surely she doesn't count her eggs every night). Others think they should be redistributed to the masses. Introducing...
Yes, you can now steal eggs from Mum—but it will take a little skill, and a lot of luck. Assemble a heist team from your coop's chickens! Heists get harder the more eggs you're stealing. And be careful—each time you fail a heist, Mum will mark up shop prices by 5% until the end of the day.
The Heist minigame can be accessed either through the Games men or via the link under Mum's image in the Eggschange. Or through the links on this announcement. Check it out! You can read more about the mechanics on the Heist page, as well as the game's own info page.
The game is in its early stages, so if you find bugs, do report them in a ticket!
The intended narrative flavouring of the Release feature was that the released chickens were off somewhere, travelling the world, but it appears (from discussion) like previous UI choices made it seem like they had died. I've made some changes to make the intent clearer!
As you may have noticed, the number of occupants in the Pullet Pool has been increasing steadily almost every day. I've recently taken a few measures to unclog the pool and making other "offloading" options more viable. Please be aware of these changes, as they may affect your decisions!
Thanks for your understanding! I'm open to discussion; I would like to know if you feel like any of these changes are terrible ideas (or if you think they're good ideas even). Any suggestions and thoughts can be sent in the Site suggestions forum.
Starting this month, we're donating a small part of the site's earnings to charity! I've put up an info page about our two supported charities and donation plan on this page.
The short version: If we earn AU$1500 or more in a month, we'll donate to SRS (a rural disability and aged care support charity), which lets us name a chicken with a sponsorship cert. People who bought eggs that month get to throw a name suggestion into the pool, and one name is raffled from the pool to be entered on the cert.
Check out our log of past charity chicken names! As of this announcement, we've donated once and named one chicken
Saint Chickolas has visited every Secret Santa participant's inbox and delivered their giftee's wishlist! I forgot to ask for block lists, so I used the on-site block list, but let me know if you have received a person you would rather not trade with and I will swap you around. And of course, let me know if you have not received one.
By popular demand...signups are open for the ChickenPet-themed Secret Santa—just read the rules and fill this form! The form will close on 7 December UCT, and assignments will be sent by the end of the day via this site's messaging feature.
The new gene set is here!
Try the new genes in Chickrew | Get the splicers at the Eggschange
Chuffed body Puff comb
Pompom tail
As part of this update, accessory positioning has been revamped! Relevant accessories will now reposition (and sometimes resize) based on the chicken's comb shape, body shape, and other features.