
Announcement #3 by circlejourney • 6 August 2024

Whoa, chicken sorting and Pullet Pool

Coop sorter - Yes, you can arrange your coop in a custom order now.

Pullet pool - A pool of free chickens that other people released, wow! Pick them up for the price of one chicket (you get one per week) and expand your gene pool. To inaugurate the feature (and as a token of appreciation), everyone has received one free chicket.

Announcement #2 by circlejourney • 5 August 2024

Forums are here!

Forums Please let me know if you run into any bugs, as it's still in its early stages.

Announcement #1 by circlejourney • 5 August 2024


The trade feature is now live! Check it out at Trades.

I've created a dev tracker for planned features. You can vote on the ones that you really want below.