Terms of Service

By continuing to use the website, you agree to our Terms of Service as outlined below. Violating any of the Terms of Service may cause you to lose communication privileges, or lead to the immediate closure of your account.

  1. Hateful, violent, sexually-explicit, and unsanitary or otherwise viscerally upsetting material are strictly prohibited on this website.
    1. "Hateful material" refers to any material that espouses hateful or extremist rhetoric against specific members or groups of society, or uses terms that may be considered slurs against members of certain communities.
    2. "Violent material" refers to any material depicting graphic injury or inciting violence against real people.
    3. "Sexually-explicit material" refers to any solicitations of sexual interactions, and any material depicting sexual acts and/or visible genitalia.
    4. "Unsanitary or otherwise viscerally upsetting material" refers to any material relating to subjects likely to cause visceral disgust, including (but not limited to) excessive detailing of bodily fluids, internal organs, and medical conditions.
  2. Other than the above, posting material intended to harm, offend, or provoke conflict, and revealing the personal details of others against their will, are strictly not allowed on this site. Do not continue to engage in harassment or other unwanted behaviour after being asked to cease.
  3. Block evasion (the creation of new accounts or logging out to view the profile of a user who has blocked you) is prohibited.
  4. The use of applications and extensions that make a disproportionate number of requests to this website in a short amount of time is strictly prohibited. This includes (but is not limited to) scraping data from the website and automating batch actions.
  5. Creating multiple alternate accounts is not allowed, as it creates an unfair advantage over other players.
  6. Do not upload material that you do not have the rights to use, whether as text or visuals, except where it falls under fair use. Give credit where it is due.

If you believe someone has broken any of the above rules, send us a ticket and a moderator will attend to it.

Content filtering policy

This website is officially open to players 13 years of age and older. The age restriction allows our automatic profanity filter to be tuned to catch only words that constitute infractions of our ToS (see below). However, members are asked to keep in mind that they may be sharing the website with minors and act appropriately with that knowledge.

We apply an automatic profanity filter on words in our ban list. This list includes words that break our Terms of Service by default, as well as other selected terms that have been deemed inappropriate for the website at the developer's discretion. Using a word in the ban list is not an offence in itself, but moderators are notified when such a word is used in a public post.

Nevertheless, some words that aren't caught by our filter may still be inappropriate to a general audience, and players are asked to exercise their own discretion in how they interact with others on the website.

Usage rights

All canonical (non-user-generated) text and images on this website are licenced under a CC-BY licence. In other words, you are free to share, remix and transform any assets found on this site created by the developer (in their final form), or assets generated by you. This includes:

Credit to the site is appreciated, but will not be enforced.

This choice is meant to signify the spirit of sharing envisioned for this website. Go wild—make merchandise featuring your chickens. Take cash commissions for chicken art. The developer reserves no rights over the use of site assets and your own chickens' images, and you are welcome to upload them anywhere you like.

However, individual chickens and user-generated material (where "user-generated" includes generation through breeding and/or randomisation) that don't belong to you are subject to the respective creators'/owners' usage preferences and are not covered by this licence. Seek permission from owners individually to use their chickens' images, since the chickens may be considered their own "designs," or so to speak.

Money and refund policy


Because the website is in its beta phase, bugs resulting in the loss of items may occur. If this happens to you, we are more than happy to address the issue and return any lost items, or to offer the equivalent value in egg currency where they cannot be recovered. Simply submit a ticket and we will attend to it as soon as possible.

We cannot offer any refunds for egg purchases using real currency that were completed and successfully delivered (i.e. change-of-mind refunds).

If a purchase was completed but the eggs were not delivered for any reason, the full amount owed to you will be delivered to your account as soon as we are notified, or you may request a refund on the full USD amount.

If you purchase the wrong item or use a single-use item incorrectly by accident, and the total egg value of expended items/eggs exceeds 1500 eggs, you may request a refund and/or for the effects to be reverted (e.g. using several modulators in the wrong direction, or buying several of the wrong type of splicer). File a "Refund request" ticket. This covers only accidents and mistakes, and does not include change-of-mind requests.

Accounting and revenue

In interest of maintaining transparency, revenue reports will be published half-yearly in January and July every year. The current hosting plan (Hostinger KVM 2) costs US $72 per year after fees for the first 2 years. Revenue from egg purchases will first go towards covering server costs. If the website begins to experience any operational/server load issues, the server will be upgraded as soon as it is feasible, and the above figure will be revised with the new hosting rate. After server costs, all remaining revenue will go towards covering the time spent by the developer in maintaining the site.

This website is owned by Circlejourney (sole trader business registered under ABN 83110809957). As its sole employee, all revenue is paid directly to the developer after any withheld tax.

Developer's note: Please note that this is not my sole obligation and that I have other jobs besides this. As such, website updates may be slower than optimal.