A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: 🃏 - Hatcheries & Oddities

Posted by Kittyknight
2 months ago (edited 2 months ago )

🃏 - Hatcheries & Oddities

Neat chicks for you to take home!

"Have you ever seen such a peculiar set of chicks?"
"I haven't. You might've though."

HEY SO! I got some neat duos of Chicks that make some interesting chicks, and figured I would offer them here for you!
Chicks are pay what you want! Minimum is 20egg emoji or art!
However, the Perkeo/Blueprint or Perkeo/Brainstorm chicks, have no minimum.

"Gros Michels are an endangered species. Originally, they used to be the most prevalent form of Banana chicken, but they have recently become endangered due to disease. Fortunately, we found a solution. A certain Perkolator has managed to Perkolate a Cryptid that looks rather similar to our glorious Gros Michel. Perhaps the population can be saved..."

- Guaranteed yellow base
- Guaranteed speckled
- 50/50 for russet or brown

"These two chickens could not be anymore different from each other. One enjoys the bright lights of the arcade, the other prefers the dark, grungy aesthetics of their local bar. Yet, they are incredibly similar to each other as well. They always say opposites attract, and well. They certainly do for these two, that's for sure."

- Potential for Double lace
- Low varaince (48 possible combinations)

"A duo of chickens that are rarely seen, let alone together. One always seems to come out only a night to gaze at the stars and see the planets in the sky. The other, always seems to be bothering some of the chicks. It thinks that it's protecting them from something, but we haven't figured it out yet. Honestly we're just guessing."

- Guaranteed Double lace
- Base ranges from Sable to Silver
- Flair ranges from Sea to tumblr


"OKAY I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO KEEP THIS CHICKEN AWAY FROM THESE TWO. First he eats all my seeds, always seems to be consuming alcohol (I don't even know where he gets it from!!) and now my chickens keep producing these Cryptids! Honestly, please just take them off my hands! They're starting to infest my coop..."

- If you take one of these chicks, PLEASE keep "Cryptid" in their name somewhere! (Tl;dr - It's a bit with Perkeo.)
- Guaranteed Double/Half lace, depending on which pairing.
- High Variance, honestly, I mainly just want more chicks for the bit.
Available chicks:
Cryptid, a aqua and gluppy chicken with a double-lace pattern
#5525 Cryptid
3 months • ZW A green-grey seed


Recently hatched this duo from the Black Hole/Soul and Arcade Carpet/Goth AND emo baby! PWYW - minimum 20egg emoji!!

i know the thread's a bit old but is your hatchery still acitve? id love to be queued up for one of the banana guys

@bow_iie Can do!

Poe83 1 week ago Reply

Is Cryptid still available? I could do 20 egg emoji + a chicken doodle for them smile emoji
These are what I have available for art. I could do either the doodle or the ych.