A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: LF: birds for projects OF: art, gijinkas, trades

Posted by lestat
2 weeks ago

LF: birds for projects OF: art, gijinkas, trades

hi!! i'm primarily looking for birds that could be modded to xxx gluppy (although other options for trade are available, see below) ideally for under around 3,000 eggs.

here's what that could look like:

this is my ideal range, but i'm willing to go slightly outside of it if it's only one color (just the base, etc):

secondarily, i'm also looking for birds that could be modded to/could easily be used to breed xxx pink/rose, mint, grass, or lime. other potential xxx are welcome as well (except for grayscale/wine) especially blue or light purple ones.

in return, i'm willing to trade:
β€’ one of these birds (inclusive of ones with white backgrounds)
β€’ void chicks
β€’ future gluppy/mint xxx chicks
β€’ future double-lace crimson xxx chicks
β€’ art (details below)

the cheaper it would be for me to mod to xxx, the more i would be willing to trade (such as multiple chickens, more/higher effort art, etc.)
gijinka designs will only be available for birds whose colors are all within 5 mods each to xxx

(example: if you use the search function and select grass for the flair, base, and over, as well as allow the search to include 5 neighboring colors, and your bird shows up, it's eligible for a gijinka!)

chicken art examples!

gijinka design examples!

general humanoid art examples!

@Waltz @SirRayPierre @RobinChimkin @SugarBunBunnii @MisspelledFox @wavigoat @Daisy512 @Fisherstickers27 @Wildflower75


Oh hey!! You’re already in queue for an XXX rose in my hatchery, could I possibly get a gijinka or somethin in trade?

lestat 2 weeks ago Reply

@SirRayPierre you absolutely could!!

Awesome!! If you like I could also put you down for a second one to possibly modulate to pink, but I understand if you wouldn’t like to hypothetically wait that long (or if you only really care to have one or the other). Lmk if I should give info now or upon chick delivery!

lestat 2 weeks ago Reply

@SirRayPierre i'd love to be put down for a second one as well!! sending the info now would be great ^^

asprg 2 weeks ago (edited 2 weeks ago) Reply

I gots this

surprise emoji also feel free to look thru my roosts for anything else that might be useful!

wavigoat 2 weeks ago (edited 2 weeks ago) Reply

for XXX I've got a couple that are close!

  1. 3 modulators to all cream, 4 modulators to all beige
  2. 4 modulators to all fuschia, 5 modulators to all plum

and I have a couple duos I could breed for you that fit the more specific XXX you're looking for!

  1. white, pink, maroon
  2. color range turquoise-sapphire
  3. color range indigo-overcast (includes lilac!)

Waltz 2 weeks ago Reply

As I mentioned on the server, I've got new chicks coming pretty much every day that'll probably be in the ranges you want!

Also, you can let me know if there's anyone in this roost that might interest you (there's a lot of close ones), and if I'm not currently using them for breeding I'd be happy to trade!- https://chicken.pet/user/Waltz/roost:217?page=1

Am very interested in getting a gijinka design <3

I’ll put you down! It would be awesome if you could do the parents actually!

Shidarezakura is a socialite pretty boy, very fancy lad. Gives me lanky vibes… Maybe he owns a perfumerie or something?

Bara is basically Office Dad(tm)… can either big cuddly guy or slick CEO kind of vibe, definitely the strong and silent type regardless. Lmk if you need more to work off of for either!!

lestat 2 weeks ago Reply

@SugarBunBunnii i would be willing to trade a chicken (incl voids, future xxxs, etc) or do chicken art/humanoid art for that one!! ^^

@asprg surprise emoji i'd be willing to do a gijinka/anything for that one!!!! it's perfect!!!

@wavigoat i would be super super interested in a chick from the indigo-overcast pair!! what would you like for it? ^^

@Waltz omg you have morning sky. i bred her, her mom is the chicken i used as this post's pagedoll hahah. i'm definitely interested in seeing the upcoming chicks!! i might also be interested in #4887 and #9930 (who my bf bred actually) and #3637 but i'd have to think about it first, as they'd be for breeding rather than modding think emoji

@SirRayPierre gotcha gotcha!!! thank you, i'll make sure to leave this comment unread so that i can find it easily once the chicks are here smile emoji

chickrins 2 weeks ago Reply

i've got these fellas, unfortunately the flairs are a bit off but they're from a previous breeding project i'm pretty close to done with and won't need anymore, though i do need to confirm i'm finished with them (after their last couple of eggs hatch by the end of the week) before i can fully trade em!

otherwise feel free to look through my coop and i'd be happy to do a possible internest if you see someone that might help you with your goals! smile emoji

asprg 2 weeks ago (edited 2 weeks ago) Reply

@lestat yes i will yeet them at you ASAP! smile emoji

I would like a gijinka/art of one of these bbys if that's okay! (Or feel free to let me know if there's anyone else in my coop that would be more fun for you to do aaa)

Ophelia, a white and mist chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
#11152 Ophelia
1 month • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside A pink camera
cosette, a white and pink chicken with a lace pattern
#11154 cosette
1 month • ZZ
Pluto, a crimson and black chicken with a head pattern
#9421 Pluto
1 month • ZW

(the last one kind of has a concept alrdy tho if that affects ur decision aa emoji )

lestat 2 weeks ago Reply

@SugarBunBunnii i'll likely be able to do that sometime today smile emoji

@chickrins unfortunately they're quite out of range and i already have a similar one pensive emoji i don't currently have one that could internest with yours, though maybe once i get a chick with wavi it could internest with your indigo xxx smile emoji

lestat 2 weeks ago Reply

@asprg i'm about to hit the hay, but once i wake up i'll go through them all and let you know which one i'll be designing for smile emoji

asprg 2 weeks ago Reply

@lestat yes np no rush at all~ smile emoji

SapphireRose 2 weeks ago Reply

I am lacking in easily modulated chickens.. but I do have :

one that could be easily modulated to an xxx tumblr or another blue range ;0

one that I JUST bought for the cool ID that could theoretically be modulated to pink?

pinch, a pink and russet chicken
#12332 pinch
3 weeks • ZW

one that I also got for the cool ID that could be modulated to a pink range

There’s some potential here.. I just don’t know what it is

Im also currently trying to obtain xxx light purple ranged chickens myself.. if I get one I’ll try to help you out :)