I feel this could work for accessories, since I like to keep genetic traits as "chicken-like" as possible! Makeup options would be like blush - rendered under the eye layer and probably inverted by Photofilm?
@circlejourney oooh that makes sense! i'll update the thread title to make it an accessory suggestion instead since that would be more accurate to how it would hypothetically be implemented
i was thinking the first two would work like blush, yeah! an accessory version would actually work with the basic eyespot gene to make it look a bit like eyeshadow now that i think about it
Oh yes, I've also had a few people suggest eyebrows! Emotions/expressions is up for voting in the dev tracker if you wanted to give that an upvote. I will be thinking about how to achieve that while keeping it lined up with the aesthetic of the chicken art. (currently I really like the vacant-stare feel that the dot eyes give and wouldn't want to take away from that by making expressions that feel too complex, but )
@asprg ^ oops missed a ping there
also @phytodragon ooh that sounds fun, I currently have many accessories already in the queue so it may be a bit, but this style of equippable would be fun to expand into a full category!
@circlejourney of course! i figured you already had a lot of plans so i'm content even just having it be considered