Rusty Nail, a grey and red chicken
Petted 183 times

#2677 Rusty Nail

4 months old (hatchday 16 October)
Owned by ghostable ( Spooky Haunted House) • sable × SM

Likes to trying to pull nails out of things, but she's responsible and never leaves them lying on the floor. Has a collection of pilfered nails

Runs a secret black market with her sister, Feather Duster. The currency is nails or non-chicken feathers (depending on who's accepting the payment). They also sell nails and feathers they don't want, but the prices are steep. Norman is their Black Market Accountant.


Well-fed (6 hours 19 minutes)
A green nest with a golden egg inside Off cooldown
A grey thief's mask with two eyeholes. 0 Sneaky Beak
Logs: OwnershipSplicers


None found.


Glasses (maroon)

Colour genes

  • Grey Base
  • Red Over
  • Grey Flair
  • Black Peep

Feature genes

  • Karyotype ZW
  • Body Chorb
  • Pattern None
  • Tail None
  • Wattle Basic
  • Comb Flick
  • Eyespot None