Sonatine, a lavender and gold chicken with a bar pattern
Petted 123 times

#3289 Sonatine

4 months old (hatchday 21 October)
Owned by Wildflower75 ( Vacation) • Raspberry Cream × Galaxy Smoothie

Reminds me of a golden piano in a fancy room.

You tiredly wander downstairs for breakfast, but interestingly enough, there is the sound of Ravel's Sonatine coming from the living room. You peek in and notice someone playing the ancient piano in the corner. How they got there is anyone's guess.

Partner is Etna!


Well-fed (1 hour 16 minutes)
A green nest with a golden egg inside Off cooldown
A grey thief's mask with two eyeholes. 27 Sneaky Beak
Logs: OwnershipSplicers


None found.


None found.

Colour genes

  • Lavender Base
  • Gold Over
  • Grey Flair
  • Black Peep

Feature genes

  • Karyotype ZW
  • Body Chook
  • Pattern Bar
  • Tail Stub
  • Wattle Basic
  • Comb Bantam
  • Eyespot None