Eurymedon, a orchid and ochre chicken with a double-lace pattern
Petted 25 times

#3636 Eurymedon

3 months old (hatchday 24 October)
Owned by Wildflower75 Dionysus × Maenads

I was looking for a bg image for him, and so I googled "Eurymedon", thinking I'd find something on the Greek heros/characters. Instead I found a page on the Eurymedon RIVER and I clicked on the link.. thinking the Vicipaedia page was some modern European language page.

It wasn't until I started reading and comprehending it that I realized it was a page in Latin.


Well-fed (22 hours 11 minutes)
A green nest with a golden egg inside Off cooldown
A grey thief's mask with two eyeholes. 0 Sneaky Beak
Logs: OwnershipSplicers


None found.


Contact Lenses (violet)

Colour genes

  • Orchid Base
  • Ochre Over
  • Violet Flair
  • White Peep

Feature genes

  • Karyotype ZW
  • Body Chorb
  • Pattern Double-lace
  • Tail Plume
  • Wattle None
  • Comb Front
  • Eyespot None

Eurymedon's offspring