Skin Ticket, a white chicken with a half-lace pattern
Petted 0 times

#9651 Skin Ticket

5 days old (hatchday 30 November)
Owned by parallax ( the fallen ones) • Eyeless × silent hill
Skin Ticket
by Slipknot

Zero and zero is nothing but zero
Cancer and people conspire together
Running and running and going forever
Collected and sampled, starving for zero

Come see my cage, built in my grain
Come see my cage, built in my grain
Come see my cage, built in my grain
Come see my cage, built in my grain

Minus the inside and minus the circle
Inhabit the riddle and fill in the hovel
Wherein and herein, between us and near us
Zero and zero is nothing but zero

Come see my cage, built-in migraine
Come see my cage, built-in migraine
Come see my cage, built-in migraine
Come see my cage, built-in migraine

Keeping myself alive through your empathy
Keeping myself alive through your empathy
Keeping myself alive through your empathy
Keeping myself alive through your empathy

Let me go

Keeping myself alive through your empathy
Keeping myself alive through your empathy
Keeping myself alive through your empathy
Keeping myself alive through your empathy
Leave me alone

Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
Keeping myself alive
A polaroid with a chicken head ➜ Chickrew


Well-fed (18 hours 45 minutes)
A green nest with a golden egg inside Off cooldown
Logs: OwnershipSplicers


None found.


None found.

Colour genes

  • White Base
  • White Over
  • White Flair
  • White Peep

Feature genes

  • Karyotype ZW
  • Body Chook
  • Pattern Half-lace
  • Tail Plume
  • Wattle Basic
  • Comb Front
  • Eyespot None

Skin Ticket's offspring

No offspring found.