@MisspelledFox I did have chickens that sold today, but it was before I was reordering and I had the notifs cleared (at least I'm pretty sure?)
That said!!! You make the point that I should probably see if I can try and sort them again haha!
Error 403: Forbidden
You do not have the necessary permissions to view this resource. This may be because you are blocked, or do not have an admin role.
@MisspelledFox I did have chickens that sold today, but it was before I was reordering and I had the notifs cleared (at least I'm pretty sure?)
That said!!! You make the point that I should probably see if I can try and sort them again haha!
It did work now! Maybe the chick had sold too recently? (sorry if that was what you were meaning originally, in my head you're saying did it sell in that moment/did i have the notif for it selling)
So, the 403 error comes up when there's a chicken being saved in the roost sort page that you don't currently own. this usually happens - like Fox mentioned - because a chicken in that page has been moved to someone else's coop between when you loaded the page and now. I think it would make more sense for the code to just skip over any chickens you don't own, so I'm going to update this!
@circlejourney Ah! okay! I don't think it was the chick being sold, but maybe a traded chicken did it then? Sorry for any inconveniences and ty for informing me!
@Metous Worry not - I have made the change so it should now no longer produce 403 errors because of chickens getting traded or sold