A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Unable to feed Random Chicken chickens

Posted by Aurkan
2 months ago (edited 2 months ago )

🔒 Unable to feed Random Chicken chickens

Operating system and browser: Samsung Galaxy tablet, using Samsung Internet. Where it happened: https://chicken.pet/random (Copied it directly from the tab I have the error page open at, hopefully the link works) Steps to produce the error: 1: Use the Random Chicken option until a hungry chicken appears. 2: Tap the Feed button. 3: Get sent to an "Error 405: Method not allowed" screen. (Btw, the caption for the chickens being excited over the bugs is adorable and made me smile) This has happened repeatedly, but petting and liking both still work just fine, it just errors out when I try to feed random hungry chickens. It doesn't seem to have any correlation to how many seeds I have, as I've seen this happen with under and over 100 seeds in my inventory. Other requests: It didn't actually take any seeds while doing this error, so there's no need to refund anything. I just want to be able to feed random chickens to make them happy. ^-^


Oh, yes, the feeding route is attached to the chicken profiles and doesn't currently work on the Random page - I'll update in in a second!

Pushed a fix and tested it, let me know if it works for you now?

Aurkan 2 months ago Reply

@circlejourney Wow, that was faster than I expected! Just tested it, it works now! Thank you so much, now I can throw food at ALL the chickens!

No worries, it was an easy fix! Thanks for the report smile emoji