A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Infinite feeding chickens bug

Posted by xMaei
3 months ago (edited 2 months ago )

πŸ”’ Infinite feeding chickens bug

So, I was looking for an user in the url thing, I got it wrong and the 404 page feed my chickens.

I tried to look it again putting the name with a modification to see if I got it wrong (I got it wrong again ;_;) and the page feed my chickens again, I thought that is was just luck, but when writing the username again the page feed my chicken again. I thought it was weird to it feed my chickens again so I decided if refreshing the page would not feed them again but it feed my chickens again. I tried to see if the message would disappear if I refresh it again but it wouldn't ;-;


Waltz 3 months ago Reply

If you haven't fed all of your chickens today, the error page will keep feeding them until they're all fed! This is a normal function yes emoji

The message should go away once all your chickens have been fed. (Unless you refreshed it more times than the number of chickens you have and you're still seeing the message, which would be a bug.)

xMaei 3 months ago Reply

Ooh :D

Yeah, this is the intended behaviour! I'm fine with people feeding their chickens by opening lots of 404 error pages if they want, because feeding is just a routine daily task that has a set limit to the number of times it can be done per day.