Hoping that my current nesting speckled gives me a speckled chick is so that I can give it to you haha. I want to see neck speckle chicken become real
@circlejourney ME TOO neck speckle is a cute gene fingers crossed for a new speckled chick there are surprisingly few on this site right now
Are you still looking for ZZ speckles? I just got one
I think it gives the best offspring with Paper Cup (mostly in the blue/turquoise/purple range)
Blue Raspberry could work too? there are some of the blue + green ones though, haha
@circlejourney i actually just got some neck speckle chicks hatched but i could always use more would you accept 40 eggs in return?
@phytodragon yay congrats!
I am kinda wondering if you would be willing to trade for a chicken of yours (Sunset) - would be perfect for my next project. If not, 40 is good to me! If you would part with Sunset but think theyre worth more because they're an adult, I am happy to cover the diff.
@circlejourney i'll happily send over sunset! no worries about covering the difference. i'll send them right over!
@phytodragon Thank you so much! I have sent my part through