i'd like to be queued for sour sausage! warm-range (or black/white) flairs only please
May I be queued for Sour Sausage? I'd prefer the type of chicks that are on the left. ( orange base w/ lighter lace) (warm colors with yellow over) , I can give art in return!
hi! i would love to queue for blood splatter! ideally for a lighter base and flair
commenting again to say i'd love to be queued for beige babies as well! would be interested in anything without a pink/rose flair
omg could i get a blood splatter? preferably with a dark base? it would be super helpful in breeding an oc chicken!!
and maybe a green one too if i could join for two? :]
I would love to queue for Banana Bunch!!! I think they could help me with an OC chicken project if their offspring has a Brown over, Bark flair, and half-lace pattern!!
would love to queue for the last two pairs (Sea Water and Sour Sausage/Beige Babies), if possible i'd like a chicken with:
- anything closest to mint base / turquoise over / indigo (not super particular for this one as i'll be using it to breed)
- beige base / brown over / anything close to lilac flair! (would like to be as close as possible for this if possible!)
edit: if possible i'd love to offer art, my examples are here! did you want it do after the egg is hatched or beforehand?
@chickrins hi! the chickens you're looking for would require a good number of modulators on your end, the closest i can get to the chickens you want are teal/turquoise/turquoise and beige/cream/sable lmk if you'd still be interested in them! payment will be after the egg is hatched since it's difficult for me to guarantee you'll get the chicken you want!
gotcha! i would still like to queue sour sausage/beige babies but dw about the sea water pairing!
can i be queued for blood splatter :OO a white or black base preferred if possible!! the greys kinda hurt my eyes OTL (if that's not possible then dw about it and just skip me :])
@SugarBunBunnii first of the blood splatter chicks hatched and it matches what you're looking for! lmk if you'd like them or if i should pass them along!
@RobinChimkin hatched a chicken that's only a modulator away from bark flair and fits everything else you're looking for! lmk if you'd them!
Would love to queue for a XXX chick from Bag of Rocks!
@GALLADE first hatch from my green pairing! not really chartreuse though, so if you would rather wait for a chartreuse lmk!