Can I get a sour sausage baby with a brown-range flair?
@wavigoat yes im def interested :D i can do 100 eggs for them if thats okay :)
@Waltz grey xxx! Lmk if youβd like them!
@seaglassgarden sea water baby! Lmk if youβd like them!
Ooh, would love them! I'll send trade over o/
could i queue up for a Beige Baby with a cream base/beige over?
@wavigoat i would like them!!
hihi! is it okay if i drop my spot in queue? i'm no longer in need of the chicken i was looking to get from ya!
@Fisherstickers27 hi hi! are you still interested in a verm base chicken with lighter over? I've got this chicken!
@Fisherstickers27 got it! lmk if you're sending eggs or art!
Is this hatchery still available? I'd love a bag of rocks baby with a black peep! I'd like to do it for art if possible :v
Ooh could I get an assorted greens chick with eggs possibly?
here's the chick! lmk if you'd like them!