A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Vote now - Which filter concepts do you want to see the most?

Posted by circlejourney
5 months ago

Vote now - Which filter concepts do you want to see the most?

(doubles as testing the new poll feature)

  1. Desaturate: opposite of Ow My Eyes, desaturates the chicken's colours
  2. Sparkles: apply a sparkle layer
  3. Glitch: glitchy image artefacts (probably the hardest to programme but we'll figure it out)
  4. Big: Scale the chicken up slightly
  5. Small: Scale the chicken down slightly
This poll closed on 3 October 2024 11:08pm.

Which filter concepts most interest you?

Poll created by circlejourney
Log in to vote.


phytodragon 5 months ago Reply

honestly all of these sound incredible LMAO. hard to choose without just checking all of the boxes....

@phytodragon hehe I'm so glad. I do want to make them all exist eventually, but this poll gives me a sense of which ones to release first.