Palindromes and Other Numbers

Page by Lampreii

Birthday Chickens

Any variation of 5/08/06
Noir, a amethyst and maroon chicken with a lace pattern
#5508 Noir
3 months • ZZ A green-grey seed A pink camera


Chickens who's ID's are read the same even when reversed
Yolk, a silver and orange chicken with a head pattern
#11011 Yolk
2 months • ZZ A green-grey seed A pink camera


Chickens with IDs that read as ascending numbers


Chickens with pairs of the same numbers


Chickens with IDs that end in perfect 10s, 100s or 1000s
Crow, a black and sable chicken with a half-lace pattern
#10520 Crow
2 months • ZZ A green-grey seed