A simple list to keep track of questions asked in my Daily Questions forum.
Link to forum: https://chicken.pet/forums/chicken-discussion/436
If a question has a * near it, it indicates the amount of times it has been repeated.
Asked Questions: Do you have a favorite chicken? Who is your oldest chicken? Which of your chickens was the most expensive to acquire? Which of your chickens has the most detailed lore? Do you still own your starter chickens? If you don’t own them anymore, which chicken have you owned the longest? Which of your chickens has the most special number to you? Which of your chickens are most likely to constantly throw gutter balls when out bowling? Do you have any chickens that could be deemed "ugly" that you love anyways? Which of your chickens are most likely to constantly show up way too early for any event? Do you own any CBC (Character Based Chicken) characters? If you own several, which is your favorite? Do you have any joke chickens? Which of your chickens would you have the most trust in if they were real? (and/or human) Which chicken do you own that you obtained in the most interesting way? Do you own any xxx (all colors are the same) chickens? Which of your chickens would get the best grades in school? Who is your most evil chicken? Who is your most kind chicken? Which of your chicken pairs make the your favorite offspring? Which of your chickens has the most art, commissioned or otherwise? Which of your chickens are the most interested in weather? What chicken would you throw into a volcano first if you had to? What is your favorite gene in Chicken.Pet, and which chicken do you own that you enjoy the gene on most? Which of your chickens took the longest to obtain? Which chicken is the ruler/overseer of your coop? Why? Which chicken(s) in your coop are the pickiest eaters? Which of your chickens that you have gotten out of the pullet pool do you like the most? Which of your chickens that you have bought off of the farmhouse do you like the most? Which of your chickens that AREN'T your starter chickens are your favorite First Gens? Do you have any chicken pairs (or multiple chickens) who include eachother in their lore? Unasked Questions: Who is your most recent chicken? Which of your chickens has the saddest lore? Which of your chickens would be best at (activity)? Do you have a best dressed chicken? Which of your chickens has the most accessories/filters? Do you own any palindrome number chickens? Do you own any eye-bleed chickens? Have any of your chickens competed in The Peckish Games, canon games or otherwise? Which of your chickens has the most offspring? Of your five favorite chickens, who would you eat in an apocalypse in order, and why? If you turned into a chicken and your chickens turned into people, which of your chickens would you most trust to be the farmer of your coop?