Someone snatched your seed? Do you suspect there's been a fox in the hen house? Perhaps you've gotten one too many whiffs of a rotten egg...
It's a cold world out there. The truth is often trapped just behind a thin shell, but it can take some of the sharpest beaks in the biz to crack it. When a crime is beyond the means of the coop cops, when there's a mystery that no one else can peck at the heart of, the hard-working PIs of the Hard-Boiled Egg Detective Agency are here for you. We pledge that any fowl miscreant will end up with yolk on their face or your money back—guaranteed.
Det. Gimon Fu

With two weeks of law enforcement under their wing, Detective Gimon made the move into the private sector to pursue the utmost truths, and help the chooks of the yard in a way that truly matters.
Dr. Carisi Chook

Stylish and sharp to a fault, this forensic analyst can break any crime scene down to its bare atoms.
Detective Aaron

Leading criminal investigator. Can see right through the motivations of any perp. Available under special contract.
Detective Jr.

A promising young investigator. Driven by the mysteries in his own life, he gives his all to help others find what they're missing.

Cybersecurity expert, e-investigator, and numbers whiz. With his talent for cracking the nichest of crimes, you won't find a better chook for the job.
Linus, a.k.a. "GimonFan660"

Hard-Boiled's newest junior partner and cyber crimes specialist. Expert e-sleuth.

Paranormal investigation lead. Knows just how to peer beyond the veil into mysteries beyond the natural.

Need a chook found or a cold case cracked? This bonafide psychic detective sees through the mysteries that even the eye of the law can't.

The only detective with access to the worlds in between. May be requested specially for cases involving the dearly departed.
Das Fragezeichen

This former diplomatic assistant and foreign liaison speaks Bawk, Chirp, and Cock-a-Doodle-Doo, and is here to help when cases cross national borders.

Clients can always rest assured that no legal kerfuffles will arise in our agents' line of duty with this crack chook on our legal team.

You'll never see chicken scratch from this secretary. A friendly face, a quick quill, and a mind like a whip keeps this agency a well-oiled machine.

Director of Chicken Resources. Knows every insurance form like the back of her beak and makes sure every detective minds their Ps and Qs.
The Hard-Boiled offices are located on East Peck Street in New Yolk City, and are open from 2AM to 6PM UCT. For hiring inquiries outside of business hours, please leave a message in our inbox. Detectives will accept cases on basis of expertise and ability—rates vary.
Hard-Boiled is always seeking other keen-eyed cocks to join the team. Contact our offices for further inquiry.
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