so i know how many.....eggs......i need to save up.................
Body: Cerulean to Ultramarine, 900 Eggs
Over: Indigo to Navy, 300 Eggs
Flair: Russet to Honey, 2100 Eggs
Eyespot: Basic, 150 Eggs
Body Type: Chook/Chuffed? 150 Eggs
Over: Indigo to Navy, 300 Eggs
Flair: Russet to Honey, 2100 Eggs
Eyespot: Basic, 150 Eggs
Body Type: Chook/Chuffed? 150 Eggs
Total Eggs Needed: 3600 Eggs
Flair: Cerulean to Teal, 900 Eggs
Comb: idk. but 150 Eggs
Comb: idk. but 150 Eggs