njike's chickens

A red heart Showroom

My bias chicken children whomst I adore.

Pinky, a fuchsia and lavender chicken with a head pattern
#2325 Pinky
4 months • ZZ A pink camera
Shenlong, a olive and maroon chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
#1524 Shenlong
4 months • ZZ A pink camera
reviL, a maroon and red chicken
#4623 reviL
3 months • ZZ A pink camera
Liver, a maroon and red chicken
#2800 Liver
4 months • ZW
Akatsuki, a red and black chicken with a half-lace pattern
#8383 Akatsuki
2 months • ZZ
Ultraman, a red and silver chicken with a head pattern
#5692 Ultraman
3 months • ZZ A pink camera