venula's chickens


Biscuit, a cream and brown chicken
1 month • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
The sickness, a cream and lime chicken with a speckle pattern
The sickness
1 month • ZZ
MTN DEW, a grass and cream chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
Matcha, a white and chartreuse chicken with a bar pattern
2 months • ZZ
Moss, a bark and chartreuse chicken with a speckle pattern
3 months • ZZ A pink camera
Pistachio, a apple and tumblr chicken with a speckle pattern
2 months • ZW
Sgt Speckles, a olive and tumblr chicken with a speckle pattern
Sgt Speckles
2 months • ZW
Breezy, a teal and bark chicken with a lace pattern
3 months • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
Mint Choco, a mint and bark chicken with a lace pattern
Mint Choco
2 months • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
The Earth, a cerulean and lime chicken with a speckle pattern
The Earth
1 month • ZW
Hundo, a sea and spring chicken with a speckle pattern
3 months • ZW
blue cheese, a cream and aqua chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
blue cheese
2 months • ZW
Oil, a cerulean and mist chicken with a head pattern
3 months • ZW
Easter Egg, a cerulean and rose chicken with a speckle pattern
Easter Egg
2 months • ZW
Peacock, a indigo and leaf chicken with a lace pattern
3 weeks • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
Wiggles, a indigo and turquoise chicken with a head pattern
3 months • ZW
Pigeon, a overcast and sea chicken with a bar pattern
3 months • ZZ