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Stick is rebellious, loud, and charismatic. Most everychick likes them and they're generally easy to get along with. He's a punk with strong morals and stronger boots. He's well-respected within his community and tries to do real good for the world. Despite not being in a band he plays guitar adequately and sings alright-ish.
Holiday is Stick's greatest love, followed closly by stomping on things. His laid-back demeanor never fails to calm Stick down and their beleifs mirror each other. They have incredible chemistry and can bounce off each other forever. Stick loves spending time with Holiday
Brightside and Stick are and always have been best friends. They can always lean on each other when they need it. They have a unique bond and sometimes it seems like they can read each other's minds
his boyfriend, loud music, making change
the establishment, corruption, bland food
punk-rock, charismatic, likeable
anything bright
practicing guitar, socializing, being awesome