7:51:18 am
7:51:18 am
Every so often I check some of the chicks that I’ve rehomed and GOSH im so glad Magma got a great and loving home, what a cutie
@Emy I will cry and sob as I hold thousands and thousands of eggs simultaneously (somehow) and try to stuff them back into a carton :(
@Mossaroo aww thank you!!
@MouseDemon AW I'M GLAD !! tysm
Awwww, thank you, Magma!
(This was so sweet. Made my morning. Magma's precious )
"Cluck cluck, cluck, cluck cluck, bawk..."
She tilts her head, considering.
"Cluck cluck cluck, cluck?"
As a token of gratitude, Magma sends some eggs your way
You're a wonderful model, Magma. Keep it up.
@paranormalbees AWAWAWA THANK YOU!!!! she is my most beloved
funnily enough when I got her originally I didn't even notice she was the granddaughter of my progens, I just thought she looked adorable
forever beloved