
Joined 15 September 2024

💛 🐭 🧀 💚
Hi! I'm Mouse. :)
MouseDemon @ Toyhouse
mouseyokai in Discord
Is your chicken hungry?
Art by @Neotheatre

It's okay to friend request me even if we don't know each other. I welcome more chicks in the feed. :) And I'm very open to interaction in general--like if you want to trade or ask about internests or comment/message anything or be silly, feel free. smile emoji

InterNests: anyone in A Literal Household is available except for Sponge and Sink (they are monogamous). It's okay to send a request without asking first. I'll accept whenever I have free nest space.

Offers: I don't mind if you offer on chicks/chickens, though I'm way more likely to accept if they're from this roost or haven't been named yet. If you're new to the ChickenPet, you can grab a free chicken from that linked roost.

They've been chicken-fied. aa emoji


@bugwatcher @EternalFyre413 Awwww, you're both so welcome!! heart emojiplead emojiplead emoji

Format with Markdown. Ping someone: @name. Embed chicken: [chicken=ID] e.g. [chicken=1]. Embed poll: [poll=ID] e.g. [poll=1]. Content should follow our Terms of Service.

sobs thank you so much for the pigeon and the extra eggss too plead emojiheart emojiheart emojiheart emojiheart emoji

Format with Markdown. Ping someone: @name. Embed chicken: [chicken=ID] e.g. [chicken=1]. Embed poll: [poll=ID] e.g. [poll=1]. Content should follow our Terms of Service.
4 weeks ago Reply

thank you so much for the chicken!

Format with Markdown. Ping someone: @name. Embed chicken: [chicken=ID] e.g. [chicken=1]. Embed poll: [poll=ID] e.g. [poll=1]. Content should follow our Terms of Service.

@nimmy Aww, Towel thanks you!! heart emojiplead emoji

Format with Markdown. Ping someone: @name. Embed chicken: [chicken=ID] e.g. [chicken=1]. Embed poll: [poll=ID] e.g. [poll=1]. Content should follow our Terms of Service.
1 month ago Reply

omg towel is the prettiest bby <3

Format with Markdown. Ping someone: @name. Embed chicken: [chicken=ID] e.g. [chicken=1]. Embed poll: [poll=ID] e.g. [poll=1]. Content should follow our Terms of Service.