3:59:45 pm
3:59:45 pm
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Hi! I'm Mouse. :)
MouseDemon @ Toyhouse
mouseyokai in chicken.pet Discord
Is your chicken hungry?
Art by @Neotheatre
It's okay to friend request me even if we don't know each other. I welcome more chicks in the feed. :) And I'm very open to interaction in general--like if you want to trade or ask about internests or comment/message anything or be silly, feel free.
InterNests: anyone in A Literal Household is available except for Sponge and Sink (they are monogamous). It's okay to send a request without asking first. I'll accept whenever I have free nest space.
Offers: I don't mind if you offer on chicks/chickens, though I'm way more likely to accept if they're from this roost or haven't been named yet. If you're new to the ChickenPet, you can grab a free chicken from that linked roost.
sobs thank you so much for the pigeon and the extra eggss too
thank you so much for the chicken!
@nimmy Aww, Towel thanks you!!
@bugwatcher @EternalFyre413 Awwww, you're both so welcome!!