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A devoted follower of a certain demon, Necklace believes their goal in life is to bring said demon into this world. Unfortunately, he's proven rather hard to find even with the help of a Literal Household's and the Spooky Haunted House's resident demon experts (and demons). It probably doesn't help that Necklace can't give the others much information due to a lack of trust; the demon they're looking for has too many secrets to hide. (Also, Necklace themself has never actually met him and only happens to have heard some stories. But it's fine.)
Works closely with Ancient Relic after finding them during an attempt to summon their sought-after demon. Ancient Relic claims to know the demon's history, providing clues as to his current whereabouts. However, Necklace still has yet to find him.
For now, Necklace exists to cause chaos and mayhem in the name of their Necklace-appointed demon lord until their lord can do it himself.
(Lore and filters added by @ghostable. What on earth did you do here)