Pot, a viridian and mint chicken with a head pattern
Petted 0 times

#2666 Pot

4 months old (hatchday 16 October)
Owned by MouseDemon ( Literal Household) • First generation

Occasionally tries to summon demons into the literal household. Dresses up for the part. Pot's horns are fake.

Very close friends with Lunch Box.

Demon Portal accidentally summoned Demon one day and came to Pot and Lunch Box for help sending Demon back home. Pot and Lunch Box are willing to help in exchange for Demon Portal helping them summon more demons. Demon Portal isn't too thrilled about summoning more demons, but shhhh, it's fine.


Well-fed (7 hours 14 minutes)
A green nest with a golden egg inside On cooldown (2 days 7 hours)
A grey thief's mask with two eyeholes. 23 Sneaky Beak
Logs: OwnershipSplicers


None found.


Cape (black)
Horns (black)


4 months ago Reply

@RobinChimkin Pot appreciates your support. xD If you ever need to summon demons, Pot has your back. smile emoji

Format with Markdown. Ping someone: @name. Embed chicken: [chicken=ID] e.g. [chicken=1]. Embed poll: [poll=ID] e.g. [poll=1]. Content should follow our Terms of Service.

I support your demon summoning ways little Pot <33333 plead emojicry emoji

Format with Markdown. Ping someone: @name. Embed chicken: [chicken=ID] e.g. [chicken=1]. Embed poll: [poll=ID] e.g. [poll=1]. Content should follow our Terms of Service.