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Azzie works as a potion brewer in the Violet Roses kingdom, a humble woman with her small brewing shop. Azzie is a woman who is the epitome of trying her best and seems like a perfectionst at times. Azzie is kind, but can be pretty tough when she needs to be. Originally born in a savanna biome, she grew up and moved to the Violet Roses kingdom when she was young, moving into the building that would become her shop.
Azzie ended up meeting a noble from the court, Velvet, who she soon fell in love with and married. The two have been together for years and even have a young daughter named Astra. Azzie is a woman who knows her brewing helps the people of the Violet Roses kingdom in a way she never would've thought.
Background image is from the Minecraft wiki page about Rivers!
More info available on Azzie's Toyhouse profile!