紫's family tree


紫, a navy and orchid chicken with a lace pattern
2 months • ZW A pink camera


疑問符, a navy and lavender chicken with a lace pattern
2 months • ZW
留守番電話, a lilac and grey chicken with a bar pattern
2 months • ZW
銀行, a tumblr and indigo chicken with a bar pattern
2 months • ZW
La Banque, a tumblr and indigo chicken with a bar pattern
La Banque
2 months • ZW A pink camera
静, a black and silver chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
Confetti, a fuchsia and violet chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Ube, a blurple and silver chicken with a speckle pattern
3 weeks • ZZ
Moldy Ube, a lilac and silver chicken with a speckle pattern
Moldy Ube
3 weeks • ZW


行き方, a indigo and black chicken with a head pattern
2 months • ZZ A pink camera
Cranberry, a russet and wine chicken with a lace pattern
2 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
John Hancock, a amethyst and bark chicken with a speckle pattern
John Hancock
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
七, a overcast and violet chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZW
Shark Candy, a grey and ash chicken with a lace pattern
Shark Candy
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
旅人, a navy and yellow chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZW
Grimace, a overcast chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZW
Philistine, a grey and overcast chicken with a lace pattern
2 weeks • ZW A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a lilac and sable chicken with a speckle pattern
2 weeks • ZZ
迷惑, a rose and orchid chicken with a half-lace pattern
2 weeks • ZZ A pink camera
Licorice, a lilac and sable chicken
1 week • ZW