12:45:50 pm
12:45:50 pm
Hello, I shall have a simple profile for now. I am Aiyet. I like chickens. Anyone can add me as a friend! Friends can request breeds from my chickens anytime. Even on cooldown via messaging something like "Hey can I breed [chicken] after they are off cooldown?" and I will likely accept so long as youd be willing to soon let me breed one of yours. :D
I use they/them pronouns. I like to draw silly creatures but I struggle with memory a lot and motivation. Right now my username on most social medias is the same as here, but I may change my usernames everywhere in a few months or so..
My breed pairings arent story or anything atm and are purely based on colors and if I like babies in their previews. Thats why Id likely accept internest plans/requests.