Archipelago, a ultramarine and grass chicken with a speckle pattern
Petted 1395 times

#6593 Archipelago

3 months old (hatchday 12 November)
Owned by Azu ( These Guys) • First generation

Nickname Archille. Calls itself "Ar-chill" because of how chill they are.

Has swag that attracts the chicks. Loves swimming and is an expert diver. Superstitious and always relies on quack doctors for medical diagnoses.

Obliterate this negativity and turn your life and your love into positivity

Friend and doctor who loves purchasing supernatural trinkets:

Doctor Evil, a cream and brown chicken with a lace pattern
#6666 Doctor Evil
3 months • ZW A pink camera


Well-fed (3 hours 9 minutes)
A green nest with a golden egg inside Off cooldown
A grey thief's mask with two eyeholes. 0 Sneaky Beak
Logs: OwnershipSplicers


Ow My Eyes


Flower (yellow)
Visor (red)
Flip-flops (yellow)
Socks (white)

Colour genes

  • Ultramarine Base
  • Grass Over
  • Wine Flair
  • Black Peep

Feature genes

  • Karyotype ZW
  • Body Chook
  • Pattern Speckle
  • Tail Stub
  • Wattle Basic
  • Comb Flick
  • Eyespot Cheek

Archipelago's offspring

No offspring found.