A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Daily Reward Feeding Chickens When Fed Already

Posted by rayzawa
2 months ago (edited 2 months ago )

🔒 Daily Reward Feeding Chickens When Fed Already

(I almost forgot to include this part oops.)
Operating system and browser: Windows/Chrome
Where it happened: Daily Rewards/Coop
Steps to produce the error: Go to coop status and feed>Hit feed all>Claim daily reward (While hoping RNG does its thing)
Other requests: n/a

Hi! So, title kind of explains it all? I've gotten into the habit of feeding all my chickens before I get my daily reward just so that I can game the system and get other things besides feeding them LOL But I noticed that after I did this and claimed my reward I still got 'Your chickens have all been fed' reward. According to the patch notes 'You can now no longer roll the "all your chickens are fed" daily reward if...all your chickens are fed' so I'm not sure if I've somehow borked it?? Looking in my page history I definitely went to my coop and fed them before I got my daily reward but I do think there's a very small chance I'm misremembering somehow. I assume you have a way to look at the order of events better than I do LOL. Not a big deal but I figured I'd post about it in case anyone else stumbled upon it. Ok love yall byebye
Fed 21 chickens
^Showing that the feed all button did in fact feed all my chickens


I had this happen to me a couple days ago! Also a windows user but I use Opera GX browser.

Ah, it appears that my fix did not work. I'll go double check the code that's meant to be preventing this situation from happening and see if I missed something obvious.

This bug should have been patched out and tested - feel free to continue replying here if it continues to happen.