softie my beloved
8:44:21 pm
8:44:21 pm
I love normal chickens so much.
softie my beloved
my normalest looking chicken rn is probably She
Fun fact: I specifically wanted to change him to head pattern so he would look like my old rooster irl <3
@narma babey...this is the chicken you see in every children's book that mentions chickens
Ooo i don't know what breed!!! I got him from a bucket at a farm store(most put all the leftover male chicks in one at the end of the season for like a few cents to a dollar). I think maybe he was a black australorp? He had that really pretty like green/purple sheen to him, its why I love black chickens so much
Maman Nougat is my classic Normal Chicken, but I also recently hatched a super sweet little reddish chicken who is so normie and I adore~
Also, big laced Polish vibes from this little one! I will definitely be giving her a frizzle/poof top if it becomes a thing, and I am leaning towards mopping her atm
I think that rosemary is my closest to a normal looking chicken.. as long as you don't take off the filter..
It's a real toss up between these two guys even though I literally named one of them after a non-chicken bird...
my only normal coded chicken is this one
ily normal squad beautiful chooks I am liking them all