A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Chicken Dreams

Posted by LvEx
2 months ago

Chicken Dreams

Do chickpet players dream of electric chicks? Sources say so!

Tell me about your chicken dreams (or chicken nightmares) below smile emoji I love hearing about them!

Have you had a chickenpet dream?

Poll created by LvEx
Yes, Chicken Dream
Yes, Chicken Nightmare
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LvEx 2 months ago Reply

😭😭😭 that's so funny. how dare you sell their children for profit //silly

I have dreamt that:

  • I pushed a buggy update and the entire site broke and no one could play (twice)
  • Met venula and phytodragon in person in Washington DC and ven brought Petra's latest chick who was purple and blue. and then we all got trapped in DC because of corporate takeover of the government and I'm not sure if the chickens survived...
skippy 2 months ago Reply

my only chickenpet related dream so far was that i was on my phone hatching two nest boxes for the day and when i hatched them, tiny little fully clothed people came out of the eggs instead of chicks. i believe one may have been either gimon or herbert's gijinka form

LvEx 2 months ago Reply

cj dreaming of site breakage and government takeover says something, even if i'm not sure what....

RobinChimkin 1 month ago (edited 1 month ago) Reply

oh yeah I never elaborated on my chicken nightmare from a while back: I think it was actually set in the discord server and I was talking to cj but then I somehow committed a social faux pas by probably saying something weird or unhinged and I was so embarrassed I woke up

Finally had my first chickenpet dream at the tail end of last night's dream sequence, here's what I jotted down at (checks notes) 3:52 AM (edited slightly for more coherence):

Two (or more?) recessive genes were added to the site, but they were not listed anywhere and nobody was talking about them AT ALL, neither on the site nor in the discord, despite people already having them. One was the bar recessive, which was comparable to the neck speckle but with barring and over the chest, and the other appeared to be varied polka dots, but only in certain spots; the chicken I saw it on must have had a lot of accessories or something because I could barely see it, but I did see the spots below its rump, again opposite of where they are on neck-speckle.

I first noticed it on a fully grown chorb mop chicken, vermillion base I believe, and was like OH MY GOD HOLY %#&! THERES A NEW PATTERN??? Immediately I went to #chicken-chat and asked if anyone had noticed there was a new recessive. Someone replied "oh are you talking about ___?" I forgot the name of the chicken unfortunately but they sent a link and it was a grey base chicken, most likely also a chorb mop, but with the polka dot recessive I described in a slightly darker shade of grey, almost sable (morning edit: I think it was more like grey on ash). While I was typing, someone else had responded to the link of the chicken with something along the lines of "orange and garbage making the most grey chicken possible" (paraphrased but those were the chicken's parents' names, or at least similar. I'm sure on orange but not on the other) I replied and was like wow! though actually it was this other one!

But I think by that point the dream started shifting another direction cause I can't remember anything else about it except what little happened before I woke up, which was completely unrelated. Here's a rough artist's rendition of the patterns I was trying to describe: