Welcome to the Peep Lemonade Hatchery! Where you have a chance of either getting a grayscale-ish baby or a pastel baby.
This is a hatchery between my two chickens, peep 2 and pink lemonade. I was gonna give them better names but honestly? I can't think of any
peep 2
2 months • ZZ
Base: Pink to Plum (white, mist, silver, ash, gray, sable, black, wine, fuchsia. If interested I may modulate to orchid)
Over: Yellow
Flair: Red to Lilac (crimson, rose, maroon, pink, white, mist, silver, ash, gray, sable, black, wine, fuchsia, plum, orchid, lavender, amethyst, violet, overcast, blurple)
Pattern: Half-speckle, speckle, head
Other Genes: Chorb body, Fan/Stub tail, no wattle, Lorge/Back comb, Basic eyespot (may give one cheek later on)
This is entirely PWYW (eggs preferred but will take seed)! I'm mostly doing this because I have a chronic addiction to breeding chickens and selling them with shitpost names and backgrounds on the marketplace. Yes your chicken will get a shitpost name and background. No you don't have to keep the shitposting.
To enter the queue, please let me know the following: what you're paying, if you want a grayscale/colored base (or anything goes), and if you want any particular colors/genes.
For ease the queue is on a google doc. Currently, though, there is 2 people in the queue.
(note that hatching will not begin immediately, as they're both on cooldown bc babies. this will start on november 19th if my math is right!)