A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: (done!)

Posted by Waltz
2 months ago (edited 2 months ago )

🔒 (done!)

Edit: The chick has been hatched!! Thank you so much to those who were lending me a hand aa emojiheart emojiheart emojiheart emoji

Hi, Chickpetters! heart emoji Just putting out a silly mini-bounty for a personally special number!

If anyone can get me the chicken with ID #15489, which should be hatching in a couple of days, I am willing to offer your choice of:

  • up to 500 egg emoji
  • art (examples here)
  • an XXX chicken of any color that I am currently able to breed (or others, but only if you don't mind possibly waiting!)

That's all! Thank you for your help o/


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