@spaghetrikov started a trade!
Hi @frootsnak! a chick has hatched that matches your criteria :
1 week • ZZ
Would you like to have them or pass them on?
@frootsnak check your trades
@BubbleBirb a chick matching your criteria has hatched!
1 week • ZZ
Would you like to have them or pass them along?
I would love to buy them, tysm!
I got the Honey Delivery thank you
(Seebs added)
can i join the queue :00000 [im fine with any really]
I'd love to join the queue :) preferably a head pattern!!
id love to join the queue for a light pinker flair as opposed to red! with a head pattern preferably but im not so picky on that
I want the honey chimkin!! preferably a bar battern
@Nyudex hello:) you've been added!
@sozz I added you for "any" but let me know if you do have some preferences
May I be added to the queue for a ZZ bab? Thats really my only preference