A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Pigeon Factory (Hatchery)

Posted by Poe83
1 week ago (edited 2 days ago )

Pigeon Factory (Hatchery)

Hello, and welcome to my pigeon factory! Since it is very likely that these guys come out with a small amount of brain damage they only cost 20 eggsegg emoji! 10 eggsegg emoji for Cult of the Pigeons members (Cult info at the bottom). If you want to add in a little tip/donation it's appreciated smile emoji!

If you order a chick and don't want to take it you don't have to! If this happens, you will keep your spot in the queue and I will ping the next person in line to see if they want the chick. Once you get a chicken you like I will start a two way trade for the chicken.


Peanut Butter Churro

Churro, a mist and ash chicken with a double-lace pattern
#18691 Churro
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed A pink camera
Chick Peak
Peanut, a ash and mist chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
#19300 Peanut
4 weeks • ZW A green-grey seed

Roasted Coconut

Coconut, a silver and ash chicken with a double-lace pattern
#21154 Coconut
2 weeks • ZW A green-grey seed
Chick Peak
Burnt, a black and sable chicken with a lace pattern
#21000 Burnt
3 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed

Available Pigeons

Peanut Butter Churro -nimmy
Roasted Coconut -nimmy

If interested you can also join my pigeon cult here


nimmy 2 days ago Reply

I would love to be added to the que for one chick from each pair! would love any from the first pair but for the bottom pair an all dark/black chick would be preferred!

Poe83 2 days ago Reply

@nimmy Oh that's perfect I just put the first pair on this morning! also if you want a black one I did get another all black one that I can breed with burnt, it would just take a little longer because it still needs to grow up.

Poe83 2 days ago (edited 2 days ago) Reply

@nimmy Oh that's perfect I just put the first pair on this morning! also if you want a black one I did get another all black one that I can breed with burnt, it would just take a little longer because it still needs to grow up.

idk why this sent twice lol

nimmy 2 days ago Reply

@Poe83 that would be perfect thank you so much! i don’t mind a wait at all <3