Cult of the Pigeons (Looking for Members!)

Page by Poe83

!! This page is still a bit of a WIP !!

Welcome to the Cult of the Pigeons!

Why should you join?
1. Pigeons
2. For fun :)
3. For a chance to win free eggs each month

More info can be found at the bottom of the page.


The head pigeons. Churro does lots of work to make sure all members are happy and everything is in order. Peanut... also helps.

Churro, a mist and ash chicken with a double-lace pattern
#18691 Churro
1 month • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside A pink camera
Peanut, a ash and mist chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
#19300 Peanut
4 weeks • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside


The higher-ups. They work directly under the leaders and all requests must go through them before making it to the leaders.

Coconut, a silver and ash chicken with a double-lace pattern
#21154 Coconut
2 weeks • ZW
Burnt, a black and sable chicken with a lace pattern
#21000 Burnt
2 weeks • ZZ
Pidgey, a white and mist chicken with a lace pattern
#21041 Pidgey
2 weeks • ZZ


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see members
Peep, a mist and silver chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
#22334 Peep
1 week • ZZ


see sacrifices None yet

Cult Info

Rules & How to Join:

- Only pigeons may join. Anyone who joins the cult relinquishes their chicken status. (it does not need to look a certain way to join)
- To join you must bring an offering of one seed to feed our overloards.
- You can Join Here . Just send the ID of the (former) chicken you want to induct along with 1 seed seed emoji. The pigeon will then be added to the members list.

What are sacrafices?

Once a month the cult sacrafices two chickens. "Sacrafice" meaning they gets released. Once the sacrafice is made 1 member will be randomly selected to win 80 eggs or more!


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