Primary Nests
Post in this thread to request a place in line.
You must choose a specific pair to queue for.
1 chick per your turn.
You may pass on any chick and retain your place in line for the next nest.
You can have up to
threetwo places in line but there must be at leasttwofour people between each of your turns -
As an exception to the previous rule, you can queue twice in a row as long as you are queuing for 2 different pairs.
You will be pinged once the egg you are slotted for is hatched. If you do not respond within 24 hours, I will move on to the next person in line.
If you think you might not be online during the 24 hour window, please let me know ahead of time. I am willing to hold chicks for up to a week so long as prior notice is given.
Secondary Nests
Please be aware that these pairs are bred randomly and their chicks are sold whenever I feel like it.
The chicks from these nests are first come first serve.
Each person may claim up to 2 chicks a week.
If you are already queued for a primary nest, you may only claim 1 secondary nest chick each week.
Post in this thread to receive hatching day pings.
What You Get
Primary Nests
EVENTIDExMOSS White Base / Spring - Overcast Double-Lace / White - Beige Flair
SAINTxDAWN White Base / Crimson - Gluppy Double-Lace / Beige - Aqua Flair
PROMISExMERCY Black Base / Rose - Mint Double Lace / Indigo - Burple Flair
FOREVERxNOW Black Base / Viridian - Wine Double Lace / Mist - Maroon Flair
Secondary Nests
- SINGLExTHOUSAND White Base / Maroon - Mint Double Lace / Lavender - Rose Flair
What I Get
- Chicks are pay what you want
- Minimum payment is
per chick (so I can feed the parents)