also this one
6:48:27 am
6:48:27 am
We're coming up on release, so I'm putting together a little infographic on the game's features, and I want to include some actual chickens from the site in the post! Simply donate chickens below by embedding them with the [chicken=ID] syntax.
thank you @venula!
@Neotheatre Omfg I love your chickens. so accessorised...thank you!
paper cup feels like my mascot at this point
also take these two
@phytodragon world's soggiest chicken
I love them all. Thank you for donating!
Them... They're my only grown up chickens at the moment
@LightyearLeder I LOVE the colours you have going here. thank you!
@crimcrim I have made the post I referenced at the top, but I am always happy to have more chickens people are fine with me making more posts with, thank you so much
I'm sure the need has passed but I'm still gonna place this beaut!
i have my OC inspired chickens ((my original chickens))
i also have these guys:
(cheese pizza deluxe and peanut butter and jelly sandwich)