A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: What site features did you take a long time to discover/learn how to use?

Posted by circlejourney
3 months ago (edited 3 months ago )

What site features did you take a long time to discover/learn how to use?

@Kallikit floated the idea of making a beginner's guide and I wanted to poll users to figure out what might be good to include in the guide. You can reply in long-form on this thread too, if something is not in the options!

There are already some how-to guides on some of these subjects, but it could be useful to have all of that in one place!

What site features took a long time to discover/learn?

Poll created by circlejourney
Daily rewards
Search feature
Farmhouse buying/selling
Coop management (sorting, roosts, etc.)
Minigames (you can mention specifics below)
User/chicken profile customisation
Breeding and InterNests
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What site features took a long time to discover/learn?

Poll created by circlejourney
Pullet Pool and chickets
Customising chickens with accessories and filters
Friend management (adding friends, blocking, feed)
Managing notifications
Eggschange buying and selling
Information pages
Dressing Room
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dogstarlite 3 months ago (edited 3 months ago) Reply

Voted for coop management because I SWEAR I once found a way to sort auto-specifics roosts (such as age, alphabetical order, etc) but I haven't been able to find it again. Unless the feature got removed, in which case would you say I've been on a wild goose chase? Ba dum tish

edit: Don't wanna make up the thread with more posts, Coop Status is indeed where I saw it, thank you Circ :pray:

iBrBz 3 months ago Reply

I think eggschange is pretty straightforward but I still voted for it as I think having a note about “you can exchange seeds for eggs and vice versa! You can find more in depth info in the info pages” would be good to have in a beginners guide. It took me… way too long… to figure out how in the world people were getting eggs… maybe it could be a quick note in the farmhouse section? A silly lil “not enough eggs? No problem!”

@dogstarlite oh might you be thinking of the coop status page? There isn't currently a way to auto sort roosts but maybe we should add it think emoji

@iBrBz oh good to know! I guess maybe a note at the top of the Eggschange? Is that where you would check first when trying to figure out where to get more eggs

iBrBz 3 months ago Reply

That could help! Though I think what tripped me up the most is that I would have never thought about going to the place where I use eggs to get more eggs. Which is why I think having “not enough eggs? No problem!” type of message can be helpful. Especially since the tab where that happens is under “seed” and the first ones are eggs to seed. Maybe if instead the tab says “seeds ⇄ eggs”? (hope you can see the arrows i pasted)

I eventually learned in the wave of a handful of other people realizing on discord and I swear I would have gone my entire chicken life without knowing cry emoji

Ohh yes that makes sense! I think maybe a link in the error message you get when you don't have enough eggs and also something at the top of the Eggschange

Also noting here for my future reference that someone did not realise you could start an InterNest without both members being online at the same time.

Aurkan 3 months ago Reply

I only found out the daily rewards existed today, a friend told me how to find it; maybe having a lil notif [maybe with an opt-out function for those who don't forget to check for it] for reminding you to collect your daily reward, with a thing to tap to take you to the daily reward area, would help? Somehow, tapping on the Chickenpet logo flat out never occured to me, and I would have gone ages not realising it was there otherwise since I never saw that 'homepage' area while I was first setting up and poking around. Even the achievements hints about Wheel of Hue didn't have a thing to tap to take me to that area, and I thought maybe it was a minigame that I just couldn't see in the minigame area due to a bug or something, and planned to ask after a week or so if that never showed up for me. (Mainly cuz I know bug fixes and stuff can take time to work on, depending on the issue...)

Hmmm, maybe a dashboard link is needed...will need to think about where to put it that doesn't clutter the bar even more. Maybe under the username menu.