6:52:05 am
6:52:05 am
Hello! So I was thinking about how many games have wikis where people put secrets and stuff. I was wondering if maybe there was interest in a spreadsheet with every achievement known on the site, put together by the users? I'd put in an anti-spoiler screen in case someone accidentally clicked it, and the way it'd work is that I'd help put it together and moderate it, whilst submissions for known achievements would come in through a google form.
i hope what I'm saying makes sense LOL my brains a little fried rn
For someone like me, who likes to check achievements lists when bored to see if there's anything I can put some effort into real quick while waiting on other stuff, PLEASE do this! I keep just bumbling around and hoping I either find something, or that I got ALL the clucky clicker ones because I do not think I could do all 5,000 seeds per day on there consistantly for longer than 3 days if that turns out to be an achievement somehow
Alright, bet! I've been on hiatus but am ready to return now, so I will start work on this soon hopefully :D