a lot of people have mentioned being upset when they've given away a chicken just for it to be released/resold for more eggs. i feel like there should be a way to make it more obvious to newer players why people would be upset at them flipping, since wen youre new you dont realise how much effort can go into breeding for some chickens. i guess that could just be from people putting it in their own posts though? there's no point in the site having disclaimers against flipping if it's not actually against the rules as it might confuse people. this is defo a community thing unless the actual rules change. there could possibly be a guide for how to get eggs in different ways on the site so people flipping for the eggs can see different ways to get eggs, especially if they're new and don't know much yet
Yup, I think it has to be a community-based thing not a site-enforced thing.
Actually, since this issue has been brought into the open now, I think people will know to only list their chickens for less than release reward if they're okay with the chicken being resold or released, and some people (well... me at least) doing giveaways already do have stipulations about not pooling/releasing immediately. This should basically already prevent "non-consented" flipping while letting releasing for profit remain a valid playing style.
@selznick there is a guide - here! Maybe the link needs to be in a more conspicuous location.
don't have a strong opinion about flipping but wanted to put out my opinion on trade/release-locks - I would prefer if that wasn't implemented. I don't flip chickens but if I did, the time lock on flipping would make the entire game less enjoyable. I think flipping in general is a smart way for newer players to quickly build up enough eggs to play how they want and a time lock means it takes longer for them to catch up with everyone else :( I understand if the feature is implemented if the rest of the site feels strongly about it but still wanted to note my opinion LOL
I think adding a cooldown feature would go against the idea of the site being truely neutral on the issue, since even though it doesn't disallow flipping, it would be implemented with the intention of discouraging it